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Showing posts from March, 2010

Split personality

Well, I think as a working mom I'm always a bit of a split personality, but the past couple of weeks have taken it to new heights. The recital two weeks ago went far better than I could have hoped: I had set myself some particular goals and challenges, and I think that I achieved what I'd set out to do, which was very satisfying. Not to say that it was a "perfect" performance (what's one of those?!), but that I had given myself specific goals, and even in the heat of performance was able to follow through with what I had planned. I can't ask for more from myself, really, so even if had it been meaningful to nobody except myself, I'd have been thrilled! But it got better: I'd initially thought that these things were more significant as technical explorations for myself and would be too subtle to really have much impact, but apparently not - the audience responded quite strongly, even if they didn't know why something had particularly affect

Spreadin' the radio love....

For anybody else who, like me, is a BBC radio junkie, I can heartily recommend this little utility, Radio Downloader . Simple and easy to use, you select the programs you'd like to hear, "subscribe", and the software goes and fetches them for you automatically as soon as they're available at the BBC radio website. I find this more appealing than live-streaming since I can match up the broadcast time with my own time-zone wherever I am, which is particularly nice when listening to news broadcasts (I can enjoy "Today" over my morning coffee again!) Highly recommended.